WordPress Ping List: Ping Search Engines, Blog RSS Services

Whats in your WordPress Ping List? There are many ping services which track blog updates in the blogosphere. When you blog, a ping list is notified about your latest article, and your latest feed content is indexed across blog tracking services, blog directories and search engines. Your blog would normally ping some such ping service by default, but you can enhance your pings…

Edit Your WordPress Ping List

If you login to WordPress dashboard, and then go to Settings > Writing. At the bottom you see a form for Update Services – “When you publish a new post, WordPress automatically notifies the following site update services.” By default this service is prefilled with Pingomatic pinging service, which is pinged when you create or update a post.

ping list

Though WordPress chooses Pingomatic by default, but there are many such free one click pinging tools. And out of all these tools, Pingoat became my favourite. Till I was at Blogger, it pinged by default the Weblogs.com – a blog update notification service that many individuals and services use to track blog changes.

There is this useful WordPress Compressed All-Inclusive Ping List where they compared all the ping lists available for WordPress and decided to make a clean list from all the sources, to arrive at a list of servers to ping. There are more updates services and pinging lists available at the WordPress codex also. Here are some common ping services you can use.






Remember don’t ping twice using all in one ping services. Once what I did wrong was I pinged some services twice both from Pingomatic (by default) and Pingomatic, which might be seen as ping spam. And I still missed many other service not covered by these pinging tools.

Now after seeing the WordPress compressed ping list, I just need to remove the pingomatic url from WordPress Update Services and add all the pinging lists provided by them. When I post, I automatically ping all these services in one go with the customized power of WordPress, without the need to look for other alternative pinging services. Remember adding many ping services will increase the ping time. Try it.

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About the Author: P Chandra is editor of QOT, one of India's earliest tech bloggers since 2004. A tech enthusiast with expertise in coding, WordPress, web tools, SEO and DIY hacks.