Display WP Version: WordPress Plugin

Display WordPress Version is a wordpress plugin which will simply display a notice like “Powered by WordPress v(your WP version)” anywhere in your blog template

display wp version


1. Unzip the download-package
2. Upload folder include all files to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory
3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
4. Add the code
<?php quickversion(); ?>
to the template wherever you want the notice to appear.
5. Check your blog for WordPress version notice.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why should I display my blog WordPress version?
It is good practice to update to the latest version of WordPress. This is essential for new features, bug fixes and more importantly, for your blog security. Let the world know your blog is powered by the latest version of WordPress

Q: Can I insert the code in the header?
Add <?php quickversion(); ?> to the template wherever you want the notice to appear.

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