How do you identify syndicated content – usually by small orange buttons saying XML, RSS etc. Feeds are a convenient way of reading and tracking updated content of interest. Now there is a new popular icon in the blogosphere…
Feed Icons is an effort by Matt Brett to spread the firefox initiated orange logo as an identity for syndicated content. A post introducing the New Standard Feed Icon says that Mozilla has contributed remarkably to make feeds more accessible, by using an icon to identify a site that had content that could be syndicated – And further made it easy to use by introducing Live Bookmarks.
Even Microsoft seems to be happy to use this icon and agree that it’s in the user’s best interest to have one common icon to represent RSS and RSS-related features in a browser. A post on the Microsoft Team RSS Blog says that they are adopting the icon used in Firefox and will display the icon in the IE7 command bar whenever a page has a feed associated with it, and also use to represent RSS and feeds.
Download the free icon package and customize the icon to the colour of your liking as the feed icon is recognizable enough that it doesn’t need to be restricted to one colour. Currently you might see this icon on firefox whenever there is a syndicated content available and you can subscribe to RSS / Atom feeds and if you use live bookmarks.