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How to Make Antipixel Buttons for Blogs

They are small, they are cute, they are 80×15 buttons, and our popularly known as “antipixel buttons”. These buttons are very popular with bloggers especially due to their small size, accurate fonts which display well at small sizes, and serve as a useful tool to give out and allow other bloggers to embed onto their site

Luca Zappa provides an excellent web interface to create “80×15 brilliant buttons” using Bill Zeller’s php script. In addition to the original script you can use two images (one on the left and the other on the right side) to decorate the button. It is very simple to just add the image parameters and see generate buttons to see which one works best for you.

anti-pixel button maker

Adam Kasley provides a simple button maker with most features. But it does not allow you to add images to the button like Luca’s button maker.