Want to transform Windows XP to Windows Vista easily and for free? Windows X has released the Vista Transformation Pack to make this simple.
“This release has successfully archived full setup integration support (no more experimental) and add covering on x64 partial support (experimental). Plus, I added many new 3rd-party applications to make your system looks more like Vista such as Styler, Sidebar, Taskbar thumbnail preview, Start orb fix for msstyles, etc. and update many new resources for system files. It’s definitely the best release that I ever made!”
Vista Transformation Pack
Vista Transformation Pack is a popular tool that will replace many of the resources in Windows XP/Windows Server 2003 like the Boot screen, Welcome Screen / Logon Screen, new msstyles files (visual styles), new desktop and file icons, new toolbar icons, progress dialogs, sounds scheme, system tray icons, new wallpapers, Windows Media Player skins etc.
This program will transform your Windows user interface to ultimate Windows Vista look alike and you will never miss your old Windows XP. Remember this is not a full Windows Vista upgrade, it is just a cosmetic upgrade. You need to have a Windows Vista Capable PC to run Windows Vista.
You can download and discuss about Vista Transformation Pack and mimic Windows Vista appearance on your computer.