Do you need some free WordPress schwag (promotional marketing items) to decorate your laptop, and show off WordPress in general to your friends. Well you could get some WordPress pencils, stickers and pins for free.
Maya Desai, an ‘Anti-Chaos Engineer’ from Automattic staff (which runs WordPress) is offering WordPress Schwag to WordPress users. Though the offer seems a few months old, Jaypee made a request a few weeks back and got more than he had expected.
Maya sent him so many free WordPress pencils, stickers, pins and temporary tattoos, that he too is handing them out his top blog commentators! You can also comment on Maya’s blog explaining why she should send you WordPress goodies, and you might get lucky too.
For more WordPress promotional items like Shirts, mugs and hoodies, visit the WordPress shop, but you still won’t find these products there. Sometimes Geocaching events are held by WordPress to offer free WordPress Schwag like Tshirts, but that is not easy to win.