How can you quickly find the Bitcoin to USD exchange rate? Bing now sources data from Coinbase and will instantly give your the Bitcoin currency rates just by performing a Bing Search.
Bitcoin gains popularity as a virtual currency (with a market cap of $8.2 Billion!), and is getting accepted as payment currency for more online services and offline shops. The bitcoin exchange rates fluctuate rapidly and Bitcoin traders looking for a good deal often track bitcoin prices and buy /sell to make money by Bitcoin arbitrage. But Bing beat Google to offer the fastest way to find Bitcoin conversion rates
Bitcoin Exchange Rate
A simple Bing search like Bitcoin to USD will reveal the bitcoin currency conversion rate. 1 Bitcoin equals 703 US dollars!
While I routinely check rates like USD to INR on Google and instantly get the conversion rate … the bitcoin to USD Google search reveals no such conversions. Bing beat Google to this as of now.
Try Bitcoin to INR to get Indian rupee conversion rate.
Search engines are evolving as the best way to get currency exchange rates, especially on mobile devices and Bitcoin rates can no longer be ignored.