New Yahoo! Full Page Ads on Login Pages

Now Yahoo! has allowed advertisers to place full page ads on Yahoo! login pages at and surely comes as a surprise to those logging in. Launching  12 new ad formats, Yahoo! now lets advertisers target more space to tell their brand story. Interactive creatives engage, entertain and drives sales, while social, branding and content solutions that will edge out competitors.

yahoo full page ads

The Login page ads provide exclusive placement on with a full page ad of 1440 x 1024 max and allow the creative to be static or interactive. The interactive version may include a button that opens a 450 x 450 Flash experience or plays a video. The USP is bigger canvas, bolder creative and massive reach (more than 26 million daily users) with 100% mindshare. Check out some creative examples of Malibu, Traverse, Equinox, Cruze, and Volt.

yahoo full page ads

So did it help to increase sales and brand engagement? GM has a story to tell – the new ads help to increase awareness, promote engagement, drive traffic and help some of the sites attain the highest traffic ever, and surpass their competitors for the first time. Yahoo! Digital AdVentures invites advertisers to the brave new world of advertising on Yahoo! properties. Rethink online marketing. Push limits. Get significant results.

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About the Author: P Chandra is editor of QOT, one of India's earliest tech bloggers since 2004. A tech enthusiast with expertise in coding, WordPress, web tools, SEO and DIY hacks.