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Blog Title Keywords Can Target Chitika eMiniMalls

I hope you are making more money quickly using Chitika eMiniMalls. Bloggers using WordPress (WP) and Movable Type (MT) can customize the eMiniMalls code and pass the title of the blog post as a keyword.

On MT insert the following code:

ch_query = "<$MTEntryTitle$>";

On WP insert the following code:

ch_query = "<?php the_title(); ?>";

This will help in better targetting of ads depending on keywords used in the title of blog post. So now if you use this code, use specific keywords, not only to target Chitika ads, but also for better search engine optimization too. You can also add targeted ads from Chitika in WordPress and use this WordPress plugin to add eMiniMalls in blog posts.

Did you know you can also use Chitika ads with Google Adsense ads in a non contextual manner. Chitika now presents its code in a non contextual format by default and also has a referral program too.