How can you subscribe readers to your site and send them emails with excerpts of new posts via your feed. FeedBlitz provides email feed and blog subscription services for free!
If subscribers want to read syndicated online content, they have to go to the site or subscribe to the feed within an rss aggregator or news reader like bloglines. With email subscription capability, subscribers can now receive this information as a daily email summary in their inbox.
The Feedburner Blog says that Feedburner now integrates FeedBlitz to provide simple and integrated email subscription capability. Email subscriptions, powered by FeedBlitz, is an integrated FeedBurner service for publishers who want to offer their subscribers a way to receive their syndicated content via a daily email. This is an extension to FeedBurner’s growing line of publicity services. Because it is integrated into the existing line, publishers can manage all of their publicity, optimization and monetization services in one place. Read more at the Feedblitz FAQ and Feedburner FAQ.
I was earlier using Bloglet and you can now compare FeedBlitz to Bloglet. Feedblitz has a Bloglet import capability to move your lists from Bloglet to FeedBlitz in seconds!
I have also installed the FeedBlitz powered email subscription capability on this blog. Please feel free to subscribe to my new posts by email by entering your email address.