Lulu Blooker Prize for Blooks : Books from Blogs & Websites

Lulu Blooker Prize is the world’s first literary prize devoted to blooks. So what are Blooks? A printed and bound book, based on a blog or website.

The Lulu Blooker Prize is sponsored by Lulu, a provider of self-publishing technology and services and the simplest place to turn web content into a blook. They want to raise the visibility of the growing number of talented writers who are blogging and using websites to develop quality content. Looking for a blog publisher, If you have a blog, website or web comic, you can easily create a blook from your content using Lulu publishing method.

A blook is a book with content that was developed in a significant way from material originally presented on a blog, web-comic or other website. This material includes the website’s characters, themes, ideas or outline that ends up getting published as a printed book.

You need to send three copies of the blook and a completed entry form before the last date of January 30, 2006. Read the FAQ for more information. So Bloggers, convert your blogs to books and get the Lulu Blooker Prize!

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About the Author: P Chandra is editor of QOT, one of India's earliest tech bloggers since 2004. A tech enthusiast with expertise in coding, WordPress, web tools, SEO and DIY hacks.