Best Way to Tweet Pages without Twitter Buttons on Any Browser

Do you get stuck to share links on Twitter, when web pages have no ReTweet buttons or your favorite browser is missing Twitter extensions and addons? Get the Twitter Bookmarklet today and get the tweet freedom you always needed.

No ReTweet Buttons !!

Many webpages still lack the Tweet or Retweet buttons which allow easy sharing of page urls on Twitter. This may be to reduce webpage clutter, speed page load times, or because they have incorporated single social sharing buttons from Addthis, Sharethis, AddtoAny etc. But it definitely is a problem for the twitter fan anxious to share your link with their followers.

In the current socially integrated sites, we believe have Twitter social sharing tweet buttons are essential to get higher traffic for your website. I often get bugged when when I don’t find a way to retweet an incredible post, and often just skip the effort to open twitter, post the title and shorten the url. Of course recently we have started using some incredible Chrome extensions like ChromedBird and Tweetmeme Button extensions to help us Tweet better, but often  on IE, I again feel stuck without a Tweet button.

Install Twitter Bookmarklet – Best way to Tweet

So the best way to Tweet on any page, in any browser is using the recently launched official Twitter Bookmarklet.

Simply drag this link to your browser links bar

Now whenever you want to tweet any post, just click it and the title and shortened url will be autoposted.

twitter bookmarklet

The Twitter Bookmarklet is simply the best way to tweet. Get it today and break free of the need for browser addons and extensions, and the search for Tweet buttons.

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About the Author: P Chandra is editor of QOT, one of India's earliest tech bloggers since 2004. A tech enthusiast with expertise in coding, WordPress, web tools, SEO and DIY hacks.