500 Free Amazon Coins to Kindle Fire Users

If you own a Kindle Fire in US, Amazon just deposited 500 free Amazon coins into your account. Amazon coins promise to change the way you buy Kindle Fire apps and games and even in-app purchases – and the free Amazon coins is a great way to get all customers started experiencing it.

Free Amazon Coins

What are Amazon Coins? It is the Amazon virtual currency with which you can buy stuff on Amazon Kindle Fire. Kindle Fire is the bestselling 7 inches tablet by Amazon.

amazon coinsHow much are 500 Amazon coins worth? They are worth $5. Which means each Amazon coin is worth 1 cent. You can always buy Amazon coins at discounted rates in bulk. Pay $90 to buy 10,000 Amazon coins at 10% discount. Of course you still cannot buy Amazon Coins except in a select few countries.

What to buy with Amazon Coins? You can buy Kindle Fire apps, Kindle games, and items inside apps and games.

Where to Spend Amazon Coins? You can spend Amazon coins to buy directly from Kindle Fire or from the Amazon.com website. Visit the Amazon Appstore to see what you can buy. BTW If you visit the Appstore everyday –  they are giving away one new paid app for free daily!

Why to use Amazon Coins? Because it is simpler, easier payment method than your credit card for every few dollars. And more importantly you get many discounted deals with Amazon Coins. Amazon Appstore developers will earn their 70% revenue share.

Why these Free Amazon Coins? Of course it is a promotional method – by giving away free Amazon coins, they are encouraging Kindle Fire in US  to try this service, experience the convenience of payment options without charging their credit cards for every small amount, and coaxing them to buy more Amazon Coins.

So did you get the free Amazon Coins? What are you going to buy?

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About the Author: P Chandra is editor of QOT, one of India's earliest tech bloggers since 2004. A tech enthusiast with expertise in coding, WordPress, web tools, SEO and DIY hacks.