14 Easy-to-Use Time Tracking Software

Time trackers have been more and more popular these days in different ways if you choose to use them on your computer at home or at work. These applications allow you to have a general view over the activities performed in a specific day and see the achievement level. Here is a list with the most used time trackers.

Paid Time Tracking Applications

1. Achive Palnner – is a Windows time management software that capture, organize and manage all your projects and tasks in one central place. After you organize the projects, you have the possibility to prioritize them using ABCD priority system.

2. Cyclope Employee Monitoring Software – is a time tracking software that records your activity without needing you to introduce dates. It provides information about how much time you (or your team) have spent on different activities in a specific day or a specific period of time (week, month or period defined by you). You can find out total active hours, overtime periods, total time spent online, idle time and the top of the most used application. The application can also generate productivity reports, which allow you to check how much time you spend on a productive/unproductive application. This time tracking software helps you refocus on important tasks.

3. Chrometa – is a great time tracking software that captures every second and you don’t even have to enter dates. The application allows you to view activities from days, weeks or months before. You can set reminders, organize your work and export the dates into a Microsoft Excel workbook. A nice feature is the possibility to organize your time by dragging records into client or project categories.

4. Dovico – time tracking software is not just another time tracking software. This application can help you can increase project profitability allowing you to compare budge vs actual time and costs. It’s a complex application but even so it’s easy to use and it takes only 15 minutes to learn improving your time management skills.

Free Time Tracking Applications

5. Klok – is an easy-to-use personal time tracking software with a very nice interface. The application will let you know how much time you spend on past projects and allows you to better estimate future projects.

6. ManiacTime – is not just tracking your time spent on a specific project but tracks which applications you use and presents them in an easy to understand way. More than that it is tracking your computer usage showing you how much time you were idle or active.

7. ProjectHamster – works like an agenda, allowing you to schedule your day and to track the time spent on a specific activity. The application provides some statistics of how many hours you have spent on what and the reports can be exported to some suitable format or printed out.

8. Rachota – is a time tracking software developed having in mind 3 ideas: planning work, work your plan and analyze your time data. Compared to other free time tracking software, this one seems more complex providing beside the standard features – HTML report generating, history view of activity, tasks prioritizing and compared view for specific users.

Web-based online time tracking software

9. 1TimeTracking – is a paid web based time tracking software that provides a wide range of features. The application is perfect for managers to track costs for specific projects and to find out which employees are maximizing their billings and track the profitability of each. What makes this application different from others is that users can now update and view their timesheets while out of the office via their mobile phone or cell phone.

10. ClickTime – is a simple time tracking software but its great advantage is the compatibility with Mac, Windows, or Linux. More that that, the time tracking software has a Mobile Edition for PDAs & Smartphones in order to keep you up to date with your tasks even when you are not at your computer.

11. MyIntervals – is a paid web-based project management software that combines the time tracking with task management providing data reporting. A specific characteristic of this software is the Theme feature. This will enable you to personalize the intervals so they can match your palette and workflow.

12. SlimTimer – is free and easy to use. It is so easy that all you have to do is to enter your name and tasks for a specific day. After the task is completed, you can click the checkbox to mark it off. Even if the application does not provide many features, it allows you to run reports or to export any report to CSV (Excel), subscribe to its RSS feed or email it to a colleague.

13. Toggl – is a web based time tracking software that can be embedded into a specific Internet application like iGoogle, Netvibes, Gmail, or in your own company intranet. The application provides both paid and free versions, depending on chosen functionalities and number of users. The application has nothing special compared to other applications but it provides real-time performance charts and reports for the whole team.

14. Time-Assistant – time tracking software has so many features embedded that will provide detailed information about a project or about the person working on a project. Beside the time tracking features, the application includes calculation of expenses and multilanguage support (English, French, German). Time-Assistant is web based timesheet software with time track and payroll automation.

Beside the fact that all time tracking software are design to track your activity, each of them has its specific features trying to make you more productive and to better suit your needs.

This guest post was written by Elisabeta Ghidiu, who is interested in online privacy and security solutions. 

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About the Author: P Chandra is editor of QOT, one of India's earliest tech bloggers since 2004. A tech enthusiast with expertise in coding, WordPress, web tools, SEO and DIY hacks.