is a social bookmarks manager. It allows you to easily post sites you like to your personal collection of links, to categorize those sites with keywords, and to share your collection not only between your own browsers and machines, but also with others. There are several ways you can search within
How you search now?
You can search your own bookmarks from the official delicious search form available here
Why do I need new search tools?
Have you ever felt the need to search your bookmarks while being on any page on any website? Have you felt an urgent need to look up a delicious tag and see its sites? Do you really like a delicious user and would like to see his bookmarks and tags? Then these tools are for you.
Instructions to use these bookmarklets
- Just drag the bookmarklet to your bookmark toolbar, or right click (Do NOT left click) and select “Add to Bookmarks” or “Add to Favorites” depending on which browser you use.
- When you want to run the bookmarklet, just select and click it.
- If you are not logged in to or have not enabled your browser to save your username and password, a pop up alert will be ask for username and password. This is required by API scripts and required by to identify your account, so is very trustworthy.
Basic Search Tools For You
- Search Your Bookmarks – Prompts for you to enter a search item, and then simply searches it for you within your bookmarks. So now you can search delicious from any page you are viewing.
- Search Any Tag – Prompts for you to enter a tag name to search and then simply searches it in everyones bookmarks. So now you can search for any delicious tags from any page you are viewing.
- Search Multiple Tags – Prompts for you to enter a multiple tag names to search for bookmarks which use both. Then it simply searches it in everyones bookmarks. So now you can search for multiple delicious tags from any page you are viewing. You can use any number of tags, but the more you use the lesser the number of results will be. Important: Just remember to add tags like ‘gmail+email’ i.e. use a plus sign without any spaces between the tags, so it will search all posts tagged gmail and email..
Search Some Other User
- Search Any User – Prompts to enter a username of and then shows you to all their bookmarks.
- Search Any Users Tags – Prompts you to enter the username whose tags you want to search. Then asks for the tag name in that users bookmarks. Then shows you all bookmarks with that tag in that users bookmarks.
- Search Any User Multiple Tags – Prompts you to enter the username whose tags you want to search. Then asks for the multiple tag names in that users bookmarks. Then shows you all bookmarks with those tags in that users bookmarks. Important: Just remember to add tags like ‘gmail+email’ i.e. use a plus sign without any spaces between the tags, so it will search all posts tagged gmail and email.
New bookmarklets are being added here soon. Please check back soon.