Design and Create Your Own Favicon by Microangelo Icon Editor

I just created a new Favicon for my site few days back and emails started comming about how I made it. Well first I drawed it, coloured it, and saved it as an icon file. Microangelo made it simple as it sounds.

There are several services which allow you convert any image to a favicon easily like Favicon from Pics or the Favicon Generator. Probably that is the easiest way possible and you get a favicon instantly.

But if you want to create your own favicon from scratch, then you need to get your creative artitistic mind working since the favicon will represent your unique site identity everywhere. I have been creating favicons for several years now. And I always used Microangelo for this job of creating quality favicons. Probably there are other cool favicon editors that I do not know of. But since I have been using this, I do not need any other.

Microangelo lets you make Icons and Cursors, create Animated Icons and Cursors, change and edit Program Icons and explore Icon Files. To create favicons, enjoy the tools and features offered by the classic icon editor – Microangelo Studio.

Micorangelo software is not freeware, but available for a 21 day evaluation period. But allows you full features access for this period and you can learn to use it and create a great favicon easily during that time. After all how many favicon do you need to make… a few maybe. And you can always buy it, if you like it. Go ahead and download the Micorangelo Value Pack. After you install, Microangelo Studio is where you can create your won 16×16 pixels favicons and 32×32 pixel icons mixed together in one cool favicon package.

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About the Author: P Chandra is editor of QOT, one of India's earliest tech bloggers since 2004. A tech enthusiast with expertise in coding, WordPress, web tools, SEO and DIY hacks.