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Featured Blog Links on the Yahoo! Home Page

The prime Yahoo! front page usually has all links pointing internally within the Yahoo site (except advertising of course). Now Yahoo! is experimenting by featuring outgoing links on the Yahoo! home page and the featured site could get huge unimaginable site traffic!

Techcrunch says that “Yahoo contacted us earlier this week to say that they are testing outside links from their home page. The goal, they say, is to make as relevant as possible to their. By linking to outside websites, their hope is that the relevance (perceived or actual) of the Yahoo portal will increase.” They say that Yahoo will analyze the data and feedback from the test to determine whether if it is made a permanent policy.

Many big portals have started featuring blog news, which sometimes get breaking news faster than official press releases and top news portals. Its a win-win situation for both bloggers and new portals alike.

Blogburst had started a blog syndication service which tied up with top news services like Reuters and helps feature your blog content on top portals (they even pay top 100 bloggers). Newsgator followed by offering a similar service to leading publishers. Others like ScooptWords can help you sell your blog content to top newspapers and magazines.

Want to be featured on the Google Home Page?