Stop Google Toolbar Spell Check Before Publishing Blog Post

I usually use the Google Toolbar spell checking feature to correct spelling errors in my articles. However, I learnt that the if you do not stop the spell checker and publish the post, the highlighted errors can be published. Here is what I got.

Spell Check Errors

The post stayed published with these red and green errors highlighted while I was wondering it was some cache issue on my computer that it persisted. However, when I saw the source code today, the html revealed lot of code had changed making these colored links.

The green color shows a spelling I corrected, while red shows spelling errors (or correct words not yet added to the dictionary). So it is a good idea to stop the spell checker and then publish.

How did I remove the code? By using the “Remove formatting” button in WordPress. Just in case you did not find it, enable some hidden buttons in wordpress!

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About the Author: P Chandra is editor of QOT, one of India's earliest tech bloggers since 2004. A tech enthusiast with expertise in coding, WordPress, web tools, SEO and DIY hacks.