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5 Top Power Lists for Blog Branding and Site Traffic

Getting added to Power lists is essential for better blog branding. The more reputed the list, the more difficult it is to get listed, the more selective and niche specific it is, the better is the respect you get if you manage to get added to it. Here are 5 power lists you can try… for better blog branding and site traffic of course…

Biglist of Search Marketing Blogs

BIGLISTof Search Marketing Blogs is a collection of over 400 blogs maintained by the staff at TopRank Online Marketing. This edited list includes blogs that cover a range of internet marketing topics ranging from SEO (search engine optimization) and PPC (pay per click) to blog marketing, marketing with social media and online public relations. Updated every Friday.

How to get added? Link to them. Get on the blogrolls of other BIGLIST inductees or SEM social news sites. Rarely by direct request.

AdAge Power 150

Adage Power 50AdAge Power 150 is a ranking of the top English-language media and marketing blogs in the world, as developed by marketing executive and blogger, Todd Andrlik. It uses a basic multimetric algorithm to obtain a final ranking based on the sum of eight sources, seven of which come from Google, Bloglines, Alexa, Yahoo! and Technorati. The last is Todd’s own personal subjective measure.

How to get added? Just e-mail Charlie Moran (cmoran at and let him know your blog’s name, URL and country of origin. They will figure out if you fit the list.

45n5 Top 100

45n5 Top 100 list is based on the 45n5 rank that was designed to organize and feature the best blogs on the internet that discusss making money online. Compiled by Mark Wielgus, it is based on Google, Technorati, Alexa rankings. The 45n5 rank tells you how you rank in your niche, the make money online blogging niche compared to your friends and competition. Every second blog teaches you how to make money online, but few make it to the list.

How to get Added? If you know about a blog that discusses making money online, send email to mark at and they will add the blog to the list with the next rank update.

Paula’s New List of Blogger Salaries

Paula's BLogger Salary ListPaula’s New List of Blogger Salaries is a compilation of list of bloggers, webmasters, domainers, affiliate marketers with their reported incomes collected by Paula Neal Mooney. The new list is bigger and better than ever before with more pics, and double the amount of bloggers. Show the world how successful you are by sharing your earnings statistics. You can become a blogging guru with a following today…

How to be added? Leave a comment on that post with the link to your income.

Top 25 Blogs About Blogging

Top BlogsThe Top 25 Blogs About Blogging list ranks blogs according to their Google Pagerank, Alexa rank, number of Bloglines subscribers and Technorati authority. Each of the four factors range from 0 to 10, where 10 is the best score. The maximum total score for each blog, therefore, is 40. There will be monthly updates. Compiled by Daniel Scocco at Daily Blog Tips..

How to be added?– I guess if you are sitting on top of the blogging niche, you will be automatically noticed. Try a comment on that post if you feel you deserve to be on it.

Note: If you ever decide to create a power list, remember to create a badge which people can link to. Get lots of free backlinks and search engine traffic. Are there any more power lists out there, let me know in comments…