Download Free Windows Vista SP1 Service Pack

Now you can download Windows Vista SP1 Service Pack. Earlier Microsoft has released Windows Vista Service Pack 1 to a few testers and held the Vista SP1 Install Fair too. Now you can download Windows Vista SP1 Service Pack for free right now.

Download Windows Vista SP1

Windows Vista SP1 addresses specific reliability and performance issues, supports new types of hardware, and adds support for several emerging standards. Windows Vista Service Pack 1 Five Language Standalone version can be installed on systems with any of the following language versions: English (US), French, German, Japanese, or Spanish (Traditional). Download Windows Vista Service Pack 1. However, they recommend the best way to update is still via the Windows Update.

They suggest some good reasons to use Windows Update -The download size from Windows Update is much smaller e.g. Windows Update of Windows Vista SP1 for x64 is 125 MB (compared to 745 MB from the Microsoft Download Center). The more important reason is Windows Update will recognize PCs with known problematic drivers and postpone downloading Windows Vista SP1 until the PC has updated drivers or other applicable updates, thereby ensuring you have the most trouble-free update experience.

Its best to get started with the overview of Windows Vista SP1, including what’s new, technical details, guidelines and notable changes. Read the Deployment Guide that includes technical information, procedures, and recommendations for installing Windows Vista SP1 in a business or corporate environment. Before installing SP1, you might want to read Things to Know Before you Download Windows Vista SP1

Not Available on Windows Update!

But what happens when Windows Vista Service Pack 1 is not available for installation from Windows Update and is not offered by Automatic Updates? Here are the common reasons and solutions. Common being you are already running Windows Vista SP1!

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About the Author: P Chandra is editor of QOT, one of India's earliest tech bloggers since 2004. A tech enthusiast with expertise in coding, WordPress, web tools, SEO and DIY hacks.