Diigo: Web Research Tools with Social Networking

Diigo lets you highlight and share the web. Diigo 3.0 promises a next generation social bookmarking and annotation service that enables users to increase research productivity, readily exchange information, and connect with others who share their interests and concerns.

Forget mere bookmarking, instead highlight portions of web pages, add sticky notes and create your own personal digest of the web with your collection of highlights for leisure reading. Easily search, access, sort and share this collection later. The new Diigo combines the best of social networking, bookmarking, highlighting, and annotating to let people discover, save, and share the information that is important to them. Enter Social bookmarking 2.0!

Let this video show you rest of the goodies…

Trivia for you – Diigo is pronounced as Dee’go. The name “Diigo” is an abbreviation for “Digest of Internet Information, Groups and Other stuff.” Cool.

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About the Author: P Chandra is editor of QOT, one of India's earliest tech bloggers since 2004. A tech enthusiast with expertise in coding, WordPress, web tools, SEO and DIY hacks.