How to Send Successful Link Exchange Requests

link exchangeI remember, when I started my blog, I was mainly concerned about my page rank and traffic. As I came across link exchange methods, I used to send requests to other famous tech blogs asking them for link exchange. As my blog was new and did not had much traffic, all my requests were rejected.

So, here are few tips that you should/must follow, before sending link exchange request :

1. Be patient

If you want quality backlinks then you have to be patient. By quality backlinks I mean links from other blogs that have PR3-PR4-PR5. Approving your first link exchange request is not an easy job especially when its from a famous blog.

2. Make a list

Now, make a list of blogs with which you want to link exchange. The list should include

  • Blog name
  • Blog URL
  • Page rank
  • Administrator name
  • Administrator Twitter ID

This list will help you in organizing your work easily. You can arrange the list according to page rank.

3. Subscribe

After making the list, subscribe to all the blogs that are in your list. I’ll tell you the benefit of subscribing in my next point.

4. Comment, Comment and Comment

For about 2-3 weeks, write genuine comments on many posts that you receive in your inbox after subscribing. Commenting will help you in gaining respect among other commentators and you will surely be noticed by the admin of the blog.

5. Use Twitter

Almost all the bloggers are on Twitter and you can easily get their Twitter ID on their blogs. So, follow all them on Twitter. Reply to their tweets and retweet them, this will create a friendly environment between you and them.

6. Final task

Now, its time to send your request. Remember, that its your first and last chance to make a request, so your mail must be impressive and well written. Do not make any spelling and grammatical mistakes, as it will create a negative impression.

I guarantee you that if you send a link exchange request after completing all the steps above, it wont be rejected.

Guest author Gaganpreet Singh is a blogger from Chandigarh, India who writes on Internet security, Blogging and Adsense at You can follow him on Twitter at @84Productions. You can also write a guest article on QOT and share your tips.

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About the Author: P Chandra is editor of QOT, one of India's earliest tech bloggers since 2004. A tech enthusiast with expertise in coding, WordPress, web tools, SEO and DIY hacks.