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Twitter Dedicated Servers for Top Twitter Users

Twitter grants dedicated servers to popular Twitter users, who have a lot of Twitter activity on their account. There are many Twitter celebrities out there, who have millions of Twitter followers, and whose tweets continue trending constantly on Twitter. All this exceptional activity on Twitter is very demanding for Twitter servers. So it is not surprising that today has decided to allocate dedicated servers to popular Twitter users by name.

Dustin Curtis, a guy who works at Twitter, has tweeted that Justin Bieber uses 3% of Twitter infrastructure and has racks of servers are dedicated to him

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and later tweeted that in fact most of the popular users on Twitter have dedicated servers for their accounts!

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That means most of the top Twitter users like Barack Obama, Lady Gaga, Ashton Kutcher, Justin Bieber, Britney Spears, etc. have clearly marked dedicated server in the Twitter data center.

So how can you get a labelled dedicated twitter server? Get more Twitter followers. Period.