Still Waiting for Windows 10 Upgrade?

Are you still waiting for free Windows 10 upgrade to download and install on your computer? Well Windows 10 is downloading in the background as part of Windows update. Since Windows 10 is a huge 2.7 GB upgrade, the downloading process can be slow.

Since most people are on slow internet connections, a few GB can take weeks to download and the software download does not want to choke bandwidth out of your internet connection also. It will remind the user that Windows 10 is ready for install only when the full software download has happened.

Also Windows 10 is rolling out slowly across the world, after all it is the largest software upgrade in the histoty of the web, and over a billion devices are expected to update. I hope you have got the Get Windows 10 app set up, as that will help to ping Microsoft that your computer is expecting a Windows 10 download. If you do not set up the app, you might be at the end of the queue.

Check Windows 10 is Downloading

Click the Windows Icon in you right lower bar (if you followed the Get Windows 10 app instructions, it should be there). This time the pop up windows will indicate that the Download is “In Progress” – yay! It means your computer is eligible and the process has started.

windows 10 progress

If you click on button below titled “View Download Progress”, then it will take you to the Windows Update screen, and will show how much of Windows 10 has downloaded. As you see here, only 1% of the 2712.6 MB has downloaded … so it going to take some time.

windows 10 update

So when it is done, you will get a pop up like this

windows 10 downloaded

You can choose to schedule the installation later, or choose to upgrade now. If you click “Start the Upgade Now”, then the installation will start. It takes about an hour and the next time your computer restarts, it will have the brand new Windows 10.

Note: The first Windows 10 update failed and I read up some Windows 10 failed update articles. I removed a pen drive attached to the computer, and turned off my Norton internet Security software. The second time upgrade happened without a hitch, though it downloaded the entire 2.7 GB again!

Check now, if your download has started.

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About the Author: P Chandra is editor of QOT, one of India's earliest tech bloggers since 2004. A tech enthusiast with expertise in coding, WordPress, web tools, SEO and DIY hacks.