If you read my review of Blogexplosion, you will see that it is an essential web traffic generator tool to increase site traffic surely. If you regularly use Blogexplosion to increase site traffic, there are several new features they have introduced.
1. Update your blog thumbnails yourself – bloggers change their blog template very frequently to tweak thier blogs. But the process to update your thumbnail previously required feedback to Blogexplosion support, and request to renew the thumbnail. Now do it yourself! You can update your thumbnail once per week and new thumbnails generally take 1-2 hours to update.
2. Rent My Blog Advertising Swap Program – to further increase online traffic. It lets you rent space on other member blogs for increased visibility and how to earn website traffic by renting space on your blog. I also rent space on my blog for 500 credits.
3. New Battle of Blog format – “To stop Battle of the Blogs being a popularity contest and voting for the most likely to win blog we have now changed the format in Battle of the Blogs that ALL 15 voters will win credits regardless of what blog you voted for.” Now I hope to get some credits by voting.
4. Reduce Minimum Assign Credit Limit – Now they reduced the minimum auto-assign to 0% when accumulating un-used credits. Previously it was difficult to accumulate credits for renting , banners, blog lottery and and battle of blogs.
5. Helpmeblog – is the official blog of BlogExplosion. Members have a poll to vote on the best logo for helpmeblog.com