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World eBook Fair : Download Free Ebooks

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Project Gutenberg, and the World eBook Library bring to you the World eBook Fair from July 4th-August 4, 2006. World eBook Fair is the largest showcase for eBooks, eBook publishers, editors, and others working in the new world of eBooks.

World eBook Fair grants you free access to a variety of 1/3 million free eBooks that you can download for personal use, for the month from July 4 – August 4, 2006. In the following years, they plan free access to 1/2 million eBooks in 2007, 3/4 million in 2008, and ONE million in 2009.

“July 4th to August 4, 2006 marks a month long celebration of the 35th anniversary of the first step taken towards today’s eBooks, when the United States Declaration of Independence was the first file placed online for downloading in what was destined to be an electronic library of the Internet. Today’s eBook library has a total of over 100 languages represented.”

Go ahead and do a full text search of 330,000+ PDF eBook titles in 100+ languages and no membership is required for access to these eBooks for this month. The World eBook Library normally charges $8.95 per year for online access, and allows unlimited personal downloading.