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World Firefox Day : List Your Name in Firefox 2

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The Spread Firefox community is a vibrant lot of active volunteers determined to convert users to Firefox web browsers. And now they announce the launch of World Firefox Day, yet another way to Share Firefox with a friend and get your name in Firefox 2.

“Today we’re launching a new program that will make it super-easy for each and every Firefox user to rescue one more person from the pain and perils of surfing the web with an oudated and unsafe browser. This new site, located at World Firefox Day will guide users through the simple steps of
1. selecting one person (and only one person) who needs to be saved.
2. inviting them to download and install Firefox.
3. registering to have both of their names listed and celebrated in an interactive display inside of the Firefox 2 program.”

They ask that you tell just one person who doesn’t use Firefox why you think they should, why you do. Go to the World Firefox Day site. Share Firefox with a friend. If your friend downloads Firefox before September 15, they will add both your names to Firefox 2!

Mozilla Firefox 2 Beta 1 Milestone is now available for download. Firefox downloads have been actively promoted by webmasters as referring a download of Firefox with Google Toolbar can earn $1 from the Google Adsense Referral Program.