Artvertising : Million Dollar Advertising on Building Facade

The Sandberg Institute in the economic business area of Amsterdam, is running a new advertising project which they call Artvertising. It is similar to the successful million dollar homepage on the internet (which sold $1 per pixel on a single page), just that this time the advertisement are offline and placed in the form of tiles on a building facade.

Each tile is 29x35cm and 19.99 euro per tile for the advertisement to be placed on the building for one month. Images in jpeg, 150 dpi and of the exact size will be accepted.

I see lots of top brands on the top of the facade like Nike, Philips, Google, Mercedes advertising their huge logos on the million dollar building face. The smaller advertisers seem contended with the lower part of the building facade, possibly because a smaller ad will be better seen from the lower level.

The million dollar homepage had inspired a long list of pixel homepage advertising. I am sure this new artvertising concept by Sandberg Institute will inspire a new advertising race to create many more million dollar buildings!

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About the Author: P Chandra is editor of QOT, one of India's earliest tech bloggers since 2004. A tech enthusiast with expertise in coding, WordPress, web tools, SEO and DIY hacks.