Robosapien V2 : Affordable Humanoid Robot

The Robosapien V2 is the next generation of Mark Tilden’s popular toy like Robosapien robot and is nearly twice the size of the original Robosapien robot. This 24′ tall, second generation Robosapien V2 is a highly evolved robotic fusion of technology and personality, combining fluid biomechanical motion with a multi-sensory, interactive humanoid personality.

Quoting some of its cool robotic features

– Multiple levels of environmental interaction, with humans and objects
Sight, sound and touch senses
– Humanoid body movements, including bending, sitting and standing, lying down and getting up, dancing, waving, martial arts
Speech: Responds verbally to environmental stimuli and to controller commands
Color Vision System: Recognizes colors and skin tones
Stereo Sound Detection System: Hears and reacts to sounds
IR Vision: Detects and avoids obstacles; tracks moving objects
– True bi-pedal walking with multiple gaits
– Precision gripping, articulated fingers
– Realistic 2-axis turning head with animated LED eyes

Mark Tilden, the designer of Robosapien, is a robotics physicist who had developed basics for biomorphic robotics and now Robosapien is the first commercially available robot based upon this principle. It is produced by Wow Wee toys. I checked out the price at Amazon online, and it is selling for only $199… now that is an affordable perfect gift for your child.

It seems WowWee toys also makes other similar toy robots like the Roboraptor (a robotic dinosaur), Roboreptile (a robot reptile) and the Robopet (interactive pet robot). I am sure your geeky children will vote for these out of the box affordable robots as their most wanted gift this season.

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About the Author: P Chandra is editor of QOT, one of India's earliest tech bloggers since 2004. A tech enthusiast with expertise in coding, WordPress, web tools, SEO and DIY hacks.