Join Secret StumbleUpon Group to Beta Test New Features

News is out that few people can access the new, toolbar-free version of StumbleUpon. But how can you access these new features still under beta testing? There are no invites, but there is a secret Stumbleupon group where you can try the magic.

Visit the Stumbleupon Beta Group and you will find that all the beta testing features automatically become enabled for you. Joining comes with a warning.

NOTICE: Joining this group will make you automatically start seeing features that are undergoing development and may be unstable. If you wish to leave beta testing, please resign this group.

I am not sure if they activated it for top stumblers, but I kept waiting for days to see the new toolbar-free version of StumbleUpon, but it is still not activated on my account. So I joined this group, and instantly the front page of the site changed and I could access all the new features.

Stumbleupon Toolbar

Check out the new toolbar which sits unobtrusively on top of any open window and lets you Stumble new sites, star them and thumbs them up or down too. For all the features, you would still need the regular toolbar. You can leave the group anytime and it reverses back to the old Stumbleupon, but I am sure you will not switch back disappointed.

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About the Author: P Chandra is editor of QOT, one of India's earliest tech bloggers since 2004. A tech enthusiast with expertise in coding, WordPress, web tools, SEO and DIY hacks.