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Conceptual SEO Mistakes You Must Avoid

  • SEO

Do you commit conceptual SEO mistakes? In my years taking part in discussion in various Internet Marketing forums, I have found that there are a lot of marketers out there who have a misunderstanding about Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

One of the most common mistakes is that most marketers regard SEO as a “free” traffic source. This opinion is not completely wrong, but not completely right as well. In the context of “time spent” by you for your SEO campaign, then we can say that the method is not that free afterall. SEO requires a lot of time from your part because this traffic generation method cannot and will not work in short term, but it has to be done consistently and you need to put total focus for it to work.

Another mistake that has been growing among marketers is regarding SEO as the only “feasible” method to gain massive traffic, while the truth is that this method is just another technique from various other traffic generation methods, such as community building, list building, etc. Every single of those methods has the same potential to drive massive traffic to your website.

A fatal mistake that most marketer do in their SEO campaign is by writing “Search Engine” friendly articles rather than “human” friendly articles. This means that a lot of marketers think that stuffing repetitive “target keywords” in their articles will benefit them. Although this argument is valid if they wish to have SE consider their articles to be “highly related” with certain keywords, at the same time, the marketers also fail to realize that it will be human visitors who make a purchase, not search engine robots. You can download a free report made by John Cow, a famous Internet Marketer, and read his opinion about how stuffing keywords is a bad idea for your SEO campaign and business.

The worst mistake of all, like the one I have mentioned above, is assuming SEO success can be achieved instantly. So, if you are really serious about conducting an SEO campaign for your websites, here are 5 major factors that you need to consider:

  1. Clearly set up your goals: do you want to increase traffic or do you want to increase your sales as well. A clear goal will make it easier for you to review your SEO campaign success.
  2. Make a long term planning for your SEO campaign: if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. A blueprint of an SEO campaign must consist of an exact planning not for the next month, but for the next four months at the very least. You must plan from the web building stages, the on-page optimization, and the off-page optimization campaign that you are going to conduct.
  3. Do not expect for instant results: even if you manage to boost your sites to the top of the search results, do not expect that your sales will boom as well, because selling is deeply related to your business marketing on your website.
  4. Respect your visitors: by this I mean that it is advisable for you to write contents that gives valuable content to them rather than contents that are only readable for search engine bots.
  5. Invest some money: there are a lot of websites out there with high page rank that offers text advertising space. If you have some money, it is also a good thing for you to invest in buying one way backlink to your sites from them.

This article is written by guest author Hans David – writer and webmaster of a website called, which shares Internet Marketing tips for free. You can also submit guest posts and share your SEO tips.