Yahoo! Publisher Network Closes: YPN Users Rush to Chitika

News is breaking out that Yahoo! Publisher Network (YPN) is closing and they are advising publishers to migrate to Chitika, a leading advertising network that syndicates Yahoo! Content Match and Sponsored Search ads.

Yahoo! Publisher Network (YPNO) Shuts Down

YPN has sent out the following email to its publishers confirming that they were closing the program from April 30, 2010. They advise publishers to remove all ad code as no ads will be delivered after that. They suggested Chitika as an alternative ad choice!

Chitika has set up a FAQ page welcoming YPN publishers into their fold. This is a huge break for Chitika as thousands of YPN publishers will flock to Chitika and make it a bigger ad network attracting bigger advertisers and taking Chitika to the next level … maybe Google will buy it out someday. Anyway the competition has reduced for Google and the future of Microsoft Adcenter is yet to  be seen. If you are a YPN publisher, apply soon as there is going to be a rush out there while they review your application.

Our Experience with Chitika

We have been using Chitika for the last few years and it has generated a constant source of revenue consistently. We still use the Chitika Premium units which display keyword targeted ads to our search engine visitors only in select countries like US, and collapses otherwise when there are no ads to show (so you might not see the large 550×250 px Chitika ad unit at the bottom of this article now!).

When tested in similar positions as Google Adsense, it has been our second largest revenue source consistently with high CPM and CTR. Go ahead and join Chitika and a new revenue source to your site, and make more money online.

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About the Author: P Chandra is editor of QOT, one of India's earliest tech bloggers since 2004. A tech enthusiast with expertise in coding, WordPress, web tools, SEO and DIY hacks.