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How To Explode Blog Traffic with Perfect Blog Commenting Strategy

It is like writing on the wall that any blogger, who want his writing to be seen/read/bookmarked, needs traffic, explosive traffic. It’s the traffic which determines your success as a blogger regardless of your chosen niche.  During my journey of blogging on personal development niche, I also learnt tactics and some good practices to increase my blog traffic.

There are numerous ways to increase blog traffic, like social book marking, email newsletters, social forum participation, you tube, pod casting and so on. What I am going to discuss and explain in this article is how to increase your blog traffic exponentially by leveraging the power bog commenting which is one of the best Free method for getting explosive traffic for your blog (if done properly).

I crafted a 5 point strategy for achieving extraordinary results in terms of blog traffic though blog commenting.

1) Research, create a plan and set daily targets

Research: Before we discuss on how to create a plan for your commenting strategy, I suggest you to research on internet and find out, shortlist relevant blogs in your niche. This is beginning point of your commenting strategy. Use Google and run the search query for finding relevant blogs. Check couple of them and shortlist the blogs which are constantly updated and allow commenting. (Google does its job pretty well in showing relevant results when it comes to freshness of blog). Once you shortlist the relevant blogs, visit their website and immediately subscribe to them, so that you will know when latest articles are written on these blogs.

Create a plan: Every successfully executed task has a solid plan behind it. Blog Commenting also needs a well crafted plan. Your plan must be to submit/leave quality comments on at least 5-7 blogs a day. I will explain in a while about how to leave quality comments,

Set daily targets: You can set your daily targets for commenting activity. If you are a full time blogger, you can chose anywhere between 15-20 comments a day and if you blog part time then 5-7 comments would be enough to fill the timeslot you have for blog promotion. Feel free to experiment a bit on the time management but do set targets based on time you have.

2) Create a Comment Signature Line

This is where innovation comes into picture. Your comments need a signature. Create at least 3 versions of Signatures and save them in a notepad text file on your computer. Let me illustrate how your signatures would look like.

Signature # 1
Your Name – Blog Name
Latest Post on My Blog
Hyperlink to Your Latest Post

Signature # 2
Your Name – Blog Name
A Similar Post on My Blog
Hyperlink to Your Similar Post

Signature # 3
Your Name – Blog Name
A Slogan of Your Blog (If there is Slogan then have a nice catchy word so that it catches reader’s eye)

Why I am suggesting 3 versions of signatures and what I am going to achieve with these? Let me explain. In some blogs, hyperlinks are allowed in comment body. You can use either Signature 1 or 2 in that case. For the blogs that don’t allow hyperlinks in comment body, use signature 3. These are the signatures you need to put after every comment you leave on the other blogs.

3) Do you feel ‘I must comment on this’

This is where you either win or lose in your whole commenting strategy. Read and absorb the blog post that you are on and if it generates enough pull inside you to comment something on it, then go ahead and comment.

Don’t comment, if you don’t have anything to say, and that’s okay. You can always move on to next blog or a different blog post on same blog. Message here is comment naturally not by force of meeting your target :-)

4) Comment meaningfully and add the signature

Leave a meaningful comment by adding your honest opinion on the blog post. Avoid leaving short comments.

Now, it’s time to click the Submit button after commenting. Don’t forget to add the signature that was created in Step 2 of this article. Also, dont forget to check ‘Subscribe to follow-up comments‘ so that you will know when someone replies your comment. In that case visit that blog again and comment again.

5) Measure your results in Google Analytics

Nothing motivates a blogger than a spike in traffic levels in his Google Analytics graph. Keep track of your traffic statistics on a weekly basis of bi-monthly basis. Be consistent with your commenting activities. I am sure you will be happy to see that a simple commenting strategy will bring loads of new traffic to your blog.

Guest author Naveen Kulkarni is founder and primary author of Winning Ideas.  You can also get the Free E Book called Winning Ideas for a Wonderful Life.