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The Power of Facebook and How it Empowers You

The Power of Facebook. Let’s face it, there’s almost not a single soul out there on this planet earth who doesn’t own a Facebook account unless that person is from outer space or lives in the jungle with the wilds. Nowadays, it is really rare to meet someone who isn’t keen on Facebook.

Every baby boomer, generation X and all the way to the generation Y, are obsessed with the Mark Zuckerberg’s genius invention. Facebook is indeed an important part of people’s lives; this is evident from the rumour that Mark Zuckerberg would end the site made many distraught. It’s quite a wonder how life had been prior to Facebook.

facebook infographic

Over 500 million users

There are several things that perhaps you ought to know if you are one of those who spend hours on Facebook. It is possible to master the 101 about Facebook and it is truly more possible to put its creator to shame with all of your amazing knowledge about Facebook.

To date, did you know that Facebook has about more than 500 million users (and counting) currently? And 50 percent of its active users would log on to Facebook at any chance that they get. An average user of Facebook typically has at least 130 friends and people usually spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook alone.

Invite All Events Page

There are over 900 million objects that users are able to interact with which include groups, pages, community pages, and events. Unlike the boring good old days where you’d have to meet people one by one and inform your intended guests word by word, sending an invitation of your party or any other occasion won’t be much of a hassle anymore since you can just easily announce your events on Facebook and it’ll be a one click away.

All you need to do is to create the event page and press the ‘Invite All’ button to inform your guests about the event that you’re organizing. Wait for an RSVP and voila, you’re all set to go.

Over 30 billion pieces of Content each month

An average user is also connected to at least 80 community pages, events, and groups and created at least 90 pieces of content each month. There are more than 30 billion pieces of content such as news stories, notes, blog posts, photo albums, web links that are shared each month.

And it is a no wonder that Facebook is being favoured by many people all over the world, considering that it has more than 70 translations available on the site. Take your pick from English, Chinese, French, Spanish, and many more. What’s more, you can even create your own language, so you can set your page to be in a pirate lingo if you like!

Facebook for business

About 70% of Facebook users are outside of United States and there’re over 300,000 users helped translate the site through the translation application available. On the other hand, Facebook is a great platform especially for entrepreneurs and developers who hail from over 190 countries.

Using Facebook is great to expand your business, do marketing and interact with all your clients and customers. Set up a page to make your presence known and subsequently to inform potential customers of promotions, new products and launches through status updates and image uploads.

Facebook Advertising

Businesses also have the option of advertising on Facebook to increase their sales volume. Business owners who created a business page can increase sales and popularity of their website or service when they use Facebook as their gateway to reach the masses.

What’s better is that there are about 200 million active users accessing Facebook through their mobile devices, this means that you will stand a greater chance of constantly dealing with customers and clients anytime or anywhere you want, minus the unnecessary hassles.

Be it for keeping in touch, narcissism, whiling away time or for business, Facebook indeed has a great potential in reach and is an integral part of our lives, for now.

Guest author Jasmine is the chief editor of which covers web hosting tips, reviews, hosting coupon codes and many more. Check out the website for discounted web hosting deals.