The new Facebook data center went live near the Arctic Circle in Luleå, Sweden this week and promises to be a state-of-the-art centre supporting live Facebook traffic across the world. It is notably the first Facebook data centre outside the US.
Facebook claims it is the most efficient and sustainable data center and all servers and related equipment is powered by locally generated hydro-electric energy. Why near the Arctic Circle in Sweden? So that the chilly air can cool servers and even use the extra heat to warm offices. It also maintains the highest standards in that servers and power distribution systems are all based on Open Compute Project designs.
Lulea Facebook Data Center
Now check out some amazing photos of the new data centre.
Check out the amazing clean, well lit, neat and cool servers.
Also peek inside the cool offices, the huge windows with an amazing view and bright vibrant working environment.
The lounge areas are equally bright and lively.
Is it not one of the best places to get a job. Also peek inside the Google data centres (and how they save energy) and even look at the servers inside the nuclear bunker!