Simple Feed Copyright WordPress Plugin

This is a WordPress plugin that will add a simple copyright notice at end of full text articles in your atom / RSS feed.  Not only add the copyright notice at end of articles in full text RSS feeds, but also adds back links to the blog and original article.

rss copyright plugin

A notice gets attached at the bottom of feed articles –
Original Article: Title of Article (linked to permalink)
Copyright Year. Blog Title (linked). All Rights Reserved

Manual Installation

1. Unzip the download package
2. Upload the folder including all files to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory
3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
4. Check your feed, where the notice should be live now.

How will the notice look like?

feed copyright

Why do I need this plugin?

It has become common practice to add a copyright notice at end of articles in your full-text atom or RSS feeds, to discourage content theft and stop feed scrapping sites from republishing your copyrighted content. This plugin inserts a simple copyright notice, and the link will pingback when the feed is republished elsewhere. It will also help search engines determine that your article and blog is the original source.

Can I do this without a plugin?

Most plugins are hacks to the WordPress code. If you are not comfortable editing the WordPress core files , then this WordPress plugin is the simplest solution for you.

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