
Tips and tricks which are popular on QOT website.
comments captcha

4 Best WordPress Plugins to Stop Comment Spam

Which are the best WordPress comment spam blocking plugins? Probably most of you use the amazing Akismet plugin which comes bundled with WordPress, but it is not enough to stop…

spam comments

Separate WordPress Comments from Post Content

The real secret why we separated WordPress comments from post content, is to deal with our Google penalties. While our site gets millions of spam comments every year, many comments…

tweet now buttons

10 Tricks to Super Effective Tweet Buttons

Do you display Tweet Buttons that everyone wants to click? Are your tweet buttons effectively engaging your audience to share your amazing content? Every website has tweet buttons to share…

tedx malik sisters

Key Lessons From TEDx TughlaqRd Delhi

I just came back after attending TEDx TughlaqRd, the Delhi Edition of TEDx which was held in the beautiful Indian Islamic Cultural Centre in New Delhi. Though this is the…

online shopping india

10 Best Online Shopping Sites in India

Which are the top 10 best online shopping sites in India? As millions of Indian consumers are searching for gifts online, and a Google search reveals thousands of online shopping…

font load time

7 Tips to Load Google Fonts Faster

How can you load Google Fonts faster on your site? It is not uncommon to see unstyled fonts or different default fonts loading and then being replaced by your Google…


5 Essential Web Design Elements You Must Use

Here are some amazing futuristic web design elements you need to implement to your website theme today. You know our love for experimenting with theme design, and probably frequent site…

404 page

How to Force 404 Errors in WordPress

Sometimes you have to force 404 errors in WordPress, either because the 404 pages are not properly configured, or sometimes WordPress itself or caching plugins may make 404 errors impossible….

redirect traffic

New Way to Redirect Blogger to WordPress

Is there an easy way to redirect Blogger to WordPress with htaccess 301 redirects and canonical urls? We also started this blog on Blogger in 2004 and then migrated to…

play minesweeper online

How to Play Minesweeper Online

Play minesweeper online for free on Google or other web apps in HTML 5 on your web browser. Minesweeper is by far the most popular Windows game which comes preloaded…

100 trillion zimbabwe dollars

I Own 100 Trillion Zimbabwe Dollars!

I am the proud owner of Zimbabwe currency of 100 Trillion Zimbabwe dollars, actually that does make me a trillionaire, but I just wish they were US dollars instead. I…

scienitific calculator online free

Best Free Scientific Calculator Online

Which is the Best Scientific Calculator online and free? Now solve complex maths problems with a free online scientific calculator in Google search results! Google has an inbuilt calculator in…