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Tab Browsing in Internet Explorer with Yahoo Toolbar

  • Tips

I love Firefox because of its tabbed browsing. It makes faster browsing by opening windows in multiple tabs in the same single windows.

If you use mouse gestures and power surfing firefox extensions, you can enable powerful browsing and easy navigation. There are still several IE only sites, for which I use the IE tab extensions. But there are still some users who want to surf with Internet Explorer only and enjoy the convinience of tabs and tabbed browsing.

One alternative is to use other IE based browsers like Avant Browser or Maxthon Tabbed Browser, which enabled tabbed browsing based on the Internet Explorer browser engine. Both are free and have other powerful features like pop up blocker, filters and mouse gestures etc..

But if you run multiple popular toolbars like Google Toolbar or Alexa toolbar etc, you need to run the basic original version of IE. Yahoo Toolbar latest version now supports tabbed browsing to a limited extent. It allows creation of multiple tabs in the same window. Though without mouse gestures and related extensions, browsing within tabs is difficult.

Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 Preview is a pre-release software that was released on March 20th. It is the new version of IE 7 which will soon be released for everyone with inbuilt tabbed browsing (it was earlier released for testing by developers). It now will only run on Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) systems, but will ultimately be available for Windows Vista, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, and Windows Server 2003. Till then you could use Yahoo toolbar for creating tabs in IE, or switch to alternative web browsers.