Yahoo! Messenger Emoticontest: Expressions to Emoticons

Yahoo! Messenger is celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Emoticon, invented by Professor Scott Fahlman, by letting you suggest an expression or feeling that you always wish was an emoticon by participating in the Yahoo! Messenger Emoticontest.

Put on your best face and upload a photo of your favorite expression. Tell your friends to cast their votes and get you into the finals. The winner of the Yahoo! Emoticontest will get their mug made into an emoticon and added to this year’s new Yahoo! Messenger!

Your suggestion needs to be a unique and new idea. Here is a full list of existing emoticons (that you cannot copy). Did you know there were some hidden emoticons and smileys in Yahoo! Messenger too!

Can you think of an emoticon-worthy expression? Then submit it to the emoticon contest and it might just be included in the new version of your favorite IM Yahoo! Messenger someday. People have already submitted many expressions to the contest. Add yours.

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About the Author: P Chandra is editor of QOT, one of India's earliest tech bloggers since 2004. A tech enthusiast with expertise in coding, WordPress, web tools, SEO and DIY hacks.