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Bloggers Play Pranks on April Fools Day: Will You Get Tricked?

Its time for April Fools Day again and like every year, bloggers are planning new pranks to fool and surprise their readers once again. You will hear lots of very believable stories, press releases and new web 2.0 services launching on April 1, but hey! its April fools day, do not get tricked.

The bigger the blogger, the bigger the website, the bigger and more believable the April Fool Joke they play. Its a great linkbait as hundreds of bloggers link to the ‘breaking story’ only to find out later that it was a hoax and you ended up confusing your readers with updates and how you got tricked. Remember some top bluffs of 2007. Even Google plays tricks every year, remember Google gulp and Gmail paper, I wonder what they come up with this year. Shoemoney has announced weeks earlier that he will do a April Fool prank and is sure many will still fall for it…

Will you get tricked this year, or will you trick your readers? Oh! ProBlogger Launches PayPerTweet, the fun has already begun…