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Download Apple Safari 4: World’s Fastest Browser

Now you can download Apple Safari 4 web browser. Launching its latest beta version, Apple calls it the world’s fastest web browser for Mac and Windows computers.

download safariApple Safari 4 powered by the new Nitro JavaScript engine claims to execute JavaScript 30 times faster than IE 7 and 3 times faster than Firefox 3; it loads HTML web pages 3 times faster than IE 7 or Firefox 3.

Safari 4 includes HTML 5 support for offline technologies so web-based applications can store information locally without an Internet connection, and is the first browser to support advanced CSS 3 Effects that enable highly polished web graphics using reflections, gradients and precision masks.

Safari 4 also claims to be the first browser to pass the Web Standards Project’s Acid3 test, which examines how well a browser adheres to CSS, JavaScript, XML and SVG web standards that are specifically designed for dynamic web applications.

Some new innovative features in Safari 4 include: Top Sites, a display of frequently visited pages; Full History Search; Cover Flow, makes searching web history or bookmarks fun; Tabs on Top, for better tabbed browsing; Smart Address Field, that automatically completes web addresses; Smart Search Field, where users fine-tune searches with recommendations from Google Suggest; Full Page Zoom, for a closer look at any website; built-in web developer tools to debug, tweak and optimize a website; new Windows-native look in Safari for Windows. Check out all 150 Safari features.

System requirements – Safari 4 for Mac OS X requires Mac OS X Leopard version 10.5.6 and Security Update 2009-001 or Mac OS X Tiger version 10.4.11, 256MB of memory, and is designed to run on any Intel-based Mac or a Mac with a PowerPC G5, G4 or G3 processor. Safari 4 for Windows requires Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista, 256MB of memory and at least 500 MHz Intel Pentium processor.

Update: Now Download Apple Safari for Mac and Windows.