Where are all the Beautiful People in the world? BeautifulPeople is a dating site where all members are beautiful people! If you are still wondering if you are attractive, then you might not be able to join BeautifulPeople.com, who promise only the most beautiful people on earth can join their service.
They call themselves an exclusively beautiful community, founded for the purpose of creating personal and professional relationships. And the site boldly quotes CNN saying its “The sexiest website in the world today”.
How do only the most beautiful people get in? First you upload your profile and then get voted by existing members of the opposite gender over 48 hours based on whether or not they find you ‘beautiful’. If you manage enough positive votes from members, you are granted full membership. Witness the power of community at work.
See what happened when CNN Paula Zahn tried to get in
What are the benefits of joining BeautifulPeople? Firstly of course you can meet the most attractive people locally and from around the globe. You can also get invited to events and parties hosted by fellow members and BeautifulPeople Network, or post your own events and invite friends and attractive members. The professional networking options allow you to explore new business and employment opportunities.
The dating service has been around for a while and is getting a log of buzz after they decided to remove 5000 members who were voted out by the community since they got too fat to be called Beautiful people! Are you game enough to join Beautiful People?