How to Report Corrupt DMOZ Editors and ODP Abuse

Report corrupt DMOZ editors whose ODP abuse brings disrepute to the directory’s quality and integrity. DMOZ (Open Directory Project) is the largest human-edited directory of the web maintained by a global community of volunteer editors. However,  Here are some ways you can report abuse in the Open Directory Project (ODP) and help protect the directory quality.

Submit DMOZ Abuse Complaint

Open Directory Public Abuse Report System – This official reporting system enables users to complain about suspicions of abusive editors / conduct to DMOZ meta editors and staff. The form is available in multiple languages too. You can also check the status of an existing report by entering the complaint ID which you got when you originally submitted the abuse report. Read the Report System FAQ of what is considered abuse and includes issues like preferential treatment to own sites, listing bad sites in wrong categories, and accepting bribes to list your site in Dmoz.

Post in Open Directory Project Public Forum

Open Directory Project Public Forum is run by members of the ODP Community. You can browse and read the forum without registering, but you must register to post. There is a Quality Control Feedback Forum where you can “Report quality control issues, and generic abuse reports with no mention of specific URLs, editors, or categories.” Specific abuse cases need to go through the Open Directory Public Abuse Report System as above.

A thread titled How To Report Suspected Abuse By An Editor advises webmasters that they do not consider editor inaction as abuse, neither is rejection of editor applications.

Contact Dmoz Staff

You may directly contact ODP staff using the email address and report the issue. They are always on the lookout for corruption activities in DMOZ.

Read more about ODP terms of use which includes the privacy policy and copyright issues too. Check the ODP Help Central for more information. Also read about submitting your site and how to submit a site to ODP. Major search engines like Google have started supporting the NOODP meta tag which lets you opt out of ODP descriptions.

ODP is a very vigilant community and all attempts of DMOZ abuse and corrupt editors are investigated and dealt with promptly. You just read the ways to report it to them.

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About the Author: P Chandra is editor of QOT, one of India's earliest tech bloggers since 2004. A tech enthusiast with expertise in coding, WordPress, web tools, SEO and DIY hacks.