Buy cool WordPress products like Tshirts, mugs, jackets at the new WordPress Swag store. This is the first time you can buy genuine official WordPress merchandise outside of WordCamps, other WordPress meetups, geocaching events or generous patrons where WordPress schwag was given out free.
Buy WordPress Swag
So what schwag is on offer – WordPress Tshirts, iphone skin, hoodies, fleece jackets (most expensive at $35), mugs, embossed moleskins, water bottles (cheapest at $8), baby tees, and even a thumb drive.
They have flat shipping rate for US and also do international shipping. I thought of shipping the WordPress sports water bottle costing $8 – but the international shipping charges were more than the item cost at $13.50. I recently shipped Kindle to India and paid hefty import duties, and am now motivating myself to grab my first WordPress swag.
I remember the earlier WordPress shop was available at, but that now redirects to this new store.