The real secret why we separated WordPress comments from post content, is to deal with our Google penalties. While our site gets millions of spam comments every year, many comments…
How can you find the word count of all WordPress posts in a easy interface? Word Counts are important indication of article length and are useful if you are looking…
Can you report incorrect Dmoz directory listings to the Dmoz editors? Dmoz (also popularly known as Open Project Directory or ODP) is one of the most popular sites to get your…
You probably remember we removed 1.7 million backlinks by deleting our WordPress theme pages to fight off Google Panda/Penguin penalties and unnatural link warnings, The traffic sustained despite removing 1.7 million backlinks to…
Google has finally declared guest blogging is over and is another bad link-building practice. We had warned guest blogging will be penalized and the challenges for guest blogging. Google has been…
It is a good idea to add updated post date and time to your WordPress posts to let search engines know when your post was updated. As search engines have…
A new Google pagerank update happened and the Google toolbar is reflecting pagerank change information for millions of websites. If you recall Google has not been refreshing pagerank for over…
Do you know you could be linking to malware sites from your website! Its possible a link you posted in an article year’s back is now a malware hosting site….
What happens to a website which removes 1.7 million backlinks! If you have been following our story for the last 2 years, our website has been stuck by multiple Google…
How can you remove spam links from your WordPress comments text? If you get thousands of spam comments everyday, even with anti-spam comment tools, there is a chance that many…
The reconsideration request form is gone from GWT. With introduction of manual action viewer in Google Webmaster tools, they have decided to only let webmasters affected with manual webspam action…
Has you site traffic decreased due to a manual webspam penalty by Google? Previously the only way to find that out was to send in a reconsideration request and wait…
Link removal has become business, thanks to Google penalties like Panda and Penguin, which has webmasters screening back link profiles and removing bad links. While most now stay away from…
It is very important to add last modified date and updated dates / time markup to your blog articles. Google and other search engines are tweaking their algorithms to favor…
Is your site affected by Google Panda or Penguin updates? The Google penalty checker is a nifty tool to help you find out if your website was affected during different…
Google has released the Penguin 2.0 algorithm update which is the latest major release of the search engine algorithm update to deal with web spam and ensure better quality search….
Robots.txt is blocking a huge number of urls on our site! We delved further into causes of falling traffic since Panda 25 and especially after Reconsideration request revealed no manual…
The Google webmaster reconsideration request revealed no manual Google penalty. Struck by Google Panda 25 on March 15 2013, and a super quick fall in site traffic since the past few…
They called it Google Panda update #25, and it was meant to be possibly the last announced update which striked on March 15, 2013, after which it was planned to…