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How John Chow Makes Money Online For Us!

You probably already know how much John Chow loves Quick Online Tips. John has been using a site targeted Google Adwords campaign on our site for last few months and has virtually captured the second ad unit of 468×60 Google Adsense Ads on our site. You can also capture this ad space for really low rates.

Jon Chow loves QOT

I run a 336×280 first ad unit and a 468×60 second Adsense unit on single post pages. When I checked my Google Adsense earnings data by targeting type – contextual or site, I find there is a huge eCPM difference between the first and second ad units. The low advertising rates of the second ad unit has enabled site targeted campaigns to target our second Adsense unit at very low CPM rates. If you remember how John Chow and Darren Rowse chat via Adsense ads, you know he is an expert in running site advertising programs. There were many site targeted campaigns running previously (like the one by Daily Blog Tips), but he seems to have outbid them all.

Daily Blog Tips Ad

You simply set the price you’d like to pay for each 1000 impressions the ad receives and Clicks no longer matter. When site-targeted and keyword-targeted ads both are eligible for display in a given position, they compete equally for ranking.

I am sure John Chow is getting the attention and traffic from lots of our visitors (I see his ad right below this post too!). As a result, the site campaign is earning much more money online than what the contextual campaign is earning for that unit. You can also run a site targeted campaign on our site and capture our Google Adsense units.
