Register .SUCKS Domain Names Starting Today

.SUCKS domain names registration opens for general public today on 21 June. Its a domain name any brand would like to register, not to popularize, but rather to block and hold to prevent misuse from people posting critical and defamatory content about their brand/organization online. And of course there are other bad stuff you might want to crib about.

.SUCKS Domain Names

sucks domain nameThis domain is unlike many other new domain names which we posted about like .GURU, .OOO, .CEO or even the .TIPS domain name which we purchased and it allows you to access this site at (try it).

Though it has a negative critical element to it and might be misused to criticize a particular brand/organization like; it can also be used positively to target health causes like, or how about other social issues like, etc.

Either way it was expected that brands will register their .sucks domain and block them from misuse. While most of us don’t have domains someone would like to buy to demean, there are many who fear misuse. So the pricing is kept high and many options are available.

Domain Pricing

.Sucks registry suggests that .Sucks registration is available under various categories and you can get a standard registration for $249 a year. However if you want to grab a market premium domain name (which they think is a high value domain), it could cost as much as $2499! To prevent misuse, if brands want to block domain names, they can choose the Domain Block option for $199, but that facility is not available for premium domain names (and private domain registration is not possible).

There is another category coming Fall 2015, wherein consumers might choose Consumer Advocate Subsidies option to create discussion forums, where a free hosted consumer forum can be run and cost might come down eventually like other domains to under $10.

Several domain name registrars offer instant registration like,,, and Are you registering this domain name?

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About the Author: P Chandra is editor of QOT, one of India's earliest tech bloggers since 2004. A tech enthusiast with expertise in coding, WordPress, web tools, SEO and DIY hacks.